
Zimt und Plätzchen – Können Hunde am Weihnachtsgebäck naschen?

Cinnamon and cookies – can dogs snack on Christ...

4 minutes

The Christmas season is known for the fact that many households bake delicious cookies. The scent of the room and a sweet taste are simply part of the festive atmosphere....

Cinnamon and cookies – can dogs snack on Christ...

4 minutes

The Christmas season is known for the fact that many households bake delicious cookies. The scent of the room and a sweet taste are simply part of the festive atmosphere....

Erdnüsse für Hunde: Lecker oder gefährlich?

Peanuts for dogs: tasty or dangerous?

3 minutes

The question of whether our four-legged friends are allowed to eat peanuts can sometimes cause uncertainty. But don't worry, we have the answers for you. Benefits of Peanuts Peanuts are...

Peanuts for dogs: tasty or dangerous?

3 minutes

The question of whether our four-legged friends are allowed to eat peanuts can sometimes cause uncertainty. But don't worry, we have the answers for you. Benefits of Peanuts Peanuts are...

Sollte mein Hund Ingwer essen?

Should my dog ​​eat ginger?

4 minutes

Maybe you have noticed that your dog is interested in ginger and are wondering if ginger is safe for dogs to eat. At alphazoo, your expert for dog food ,...

Should my dog ​​eat ginger?

4 minutes

Maybe you have noticed that your dog is interested in ginger and are wondering if ginger is safe for dogs to eat. At alphazoo, your expert for dog food ,...

Sollten Hunde Milch trinken?

Should dogs drink milk?

7 minutes

Your dog is staring lustfully at your glass of milk and you're wondering - are dogs actually allowed to drink milk? Almost every dog ​​owner asks themselves this question at...

Should dogs drink milk?

7 minutes

Your dog is staring lustfully at your glass of milk and you're wondering - are dogs actually allowed to drink milk? Almost every dog ​​owner asks themselves this question at...

Schokolade und Hunde: Ein gefährlicher Leckerbissen?

Chocolate and Dogs: A Dangerous Treat?

6 minutes

As a dog owner, you probably often ask yourself what your four-legged friend can and cannot eat. A particularly frequently discussed topic here is chocolate. So today at alphazoo, your...

Chocolate and Dogs: A Dangerous Treat?

6 minutes

As a dog owner, you probably often ask yourself what your four-legged friend can and cannot eat. A particularly frequently discussed topic here is chocolate. So today at alphazoo, your...

Joghurt im Futternapf – Eine gesunde Option für Hunde?

Yoghurt in the food bowl – a healthy option for...

11 minutes

While the issue of lactose intolerance in dogs is well known, many dog ​​owners ask themselves whether dairy products such as yoghurt are OK. "Can dogs eat yoghurt?" - at...

Yoghurt in the food bowl – a healthy option for...

11 minutes

While the issue of lactose intolerance in dogs is well known, many dog ​​owners ask themselves whether dairy products such as yoghurt are OK. "Can dogs eat yoghurt?" - at...

Eierschmaus für Hunde: Ein gesundes und schmackhaftes Leckerli?

Egg feast for dogs: A healthy and tasty treat?

9 minutes

Whether at breakfast, when baking or as a source of protein after training - eggs are indispensable in many households. But what if you want to give your dog an...

Egg feast for dogs: A healthy and tasty treat?

9 minutes

Whether at breakfast, when baking or as a source of protein after training - eggs are indispensable in many households. But what if you want to give your dog an...

Nudeln im Hundenapf: Ist das in Ordnung?

Pasta in the dog bowl: Is that okay?

8 minutes

Whether for a quick dinner or, best of all, a freshly made salad – pasta is an essential part of our human diet. But does this also apply to our...

Pasta in the dog bowl: Is that okay?

8 minutes

Whether for a quick dinner or, best of all, a freshly made salad – pasta is an essential part of our human diet. But does this also apply to our...

Kürbis für Hunde - Ist es sicher, deinem Hund Kürbis zu füttern?

Pumpkin for Dogs - Is It Safe to Feed Pumpkin t...

7 minutes

You have just cooked a delicious pumpkin and notice that your dog is watching with interest. This may lead you to the question whether dogs eat pumpkin or pumpkin seed...

Pumpkin for Dogs - Is It Safe to Feed Pumpkin t...

7 minutes

You have just cooked a delicious pumpkin and notice that your dog is watching with interest. This may lead you to the question whether dogs eat pumpkin or pumpkin seed...

Gurken und Hunde: Eine knackige und gesunde Leckerei?

Cucumbers and dogs: A crunchy and healthy treat?

5 minutes

When it comes to nutrition, you naturally want only the best for your four-legged friend. But what about vegetables? More specifically: Can dogs eat cucumbers? At alphazoo, your trusted source...

Cucumbers and dogs: A crunchy and healthy treat?

5 minutes

When it comes to nutrition, you naturally want only the best for your four-legged friend. But what about vegetables? More specifically: Can dogs eat cucumbers? At alphazoo, your trusted source...

Bananen in der Hundewelt: Ein schmackhafter, gesunder Snack?

Bananas in the dog world: A tasty, healthy snack?

10 mins

There are many questions about your four-legged friend's diet that you are probably looking for answers to. One of the most common is: "Can dogs eat bananas?" Here at alphazoo,...

Bananas in the dog world: A tasty, healthy snack?

10 mins

There are many questions about your four-legged friend's diet that you are probably looking for answers to. One of the most common is: "Can dogs eat bananas?" Here at alphazoo,...

Brokkoli in der Ernährung des Hundes: Alles, was du wissen musst

Broccoli in the dog's diet: everything you need...

7 minutes

Surprising but true: Broccoli is not only a superfood for us humans, but can also be extremely healthy for dogs. At alphazoo, the expert for pet supplies, we want to...

Broccoli in the dog's diet: everything you need...

7 minutes

Surprising but true: Broccoli is not only a superfood for us humans, but can also be extremely healthy for dogs. At alphazoo, the expert for pet supplies, we want to...

Das richtige Futtermittel

The right feed

Reading time: 8 minutes

Many dog ​​owners ask themselves the question: Which dog food is best for my dog? The selection of dog food on the market is huge: Whether  wet food ,  dry...

The right feed

Reading time: 8 minutes

Many dog ​​owners ask themselves the question: Which dog food is best for my dog? The selection of dog food on the market is huge: Whether  wet food ,  dry...

Hanföl für Hunde und Katzen

Hemp oil for dogs and cats

Reading time: 10 minutes

Fitness booster or green myth? The use of hemp oil can  many benefits for dogs and cats. Find out in the article what hemp oil is  and how to feed...

Hemp oil for dogs and cats

Reading time: 10 minutes

Fitness booster or green myth? The use of hemp oil can  many benefits for dogs and cats. Find out in the article what hemp oil is  and how to feed...

Die Vorteile von Futterölen

The benefits of feed oils

Reading time: 11 minutes

Oh, how it smells: most four-legged friends can only smell the wonderfully spicy  It is hard to resist the smell of a tasty food oil. But oils as food supplements...

The benefits of feed oils

Reading time: 11 minutes

Oh, how it smells: most four-legged friends can only smell the wonderfully spicy  It is hard to resist the smell of a tasty food oil. But oils as food supplements...

Kaltgepresste Pflege: Mandelöl für Hunde und Katzen

Cold-pressed care: almond oil for dogs and cats

Reading time: 4 minutes

Dull fur and untamable tufts? Find out in this article how almond oil can tame stubborn fur in dogs and cats and how you can use it. Almond oil –...

Cold-pressed care: almond oil for dogs and cats

Reading time: 4 minutes

Dull fur and untamable tufts? Find out in this article how almond oil can tame stubborn fur in dogs and cats and how you can use it. Almond oil –...











Regional I love animals I happy


Alpha – was? Klar, der Name mag nach einem epischen Boss-Level klingen, aber lass Dich davon nicht auf eine falsche Fährte locken. Die geheime (altgriechische) Formel dahinter: Alpha: das Erste, Beste, Größte und Zoo: Tier, Lebewesen. Kurzum: Für uns stehen Vierbeiner an erster Stelle. Und wäre es nicht so kitschig, würden wir uns als Zentrale für tierische Lebensfreude bezeichnen (psst, das bleibt jetzt aber wirklich unter uns!).