Giardien: Häufige Ursache für Durchfall

Giardia: Common cause of diarrhea

What are Giardia?

Giardia are microscopic single-cell parasites that can infect the intestinal tract of mammals. They cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The life cycle of Giardia has two main forms:

  1. trophozoites (active form)
  2. cysts (inactive, resistant form)

Infection with Giardia is known as giardiasis (also giardiasis or lambliasis). It typically begins with the oral ingestion of infectious cysts that are excreted in the feces of infected animals or humans. The cysts transform into so-called trophozoites in the small intestine. They become active, move and attach themselves to the intestinal mucosa, enter an active feeding stage and multiply. Cysts and trophozoites are excreted in the feces, but only the cysts can survive outside the host. Sick dogs excrete several million cysts per gram of feces. The cysts are extremely resistant and can survive in water for weeks or months. They therefore remain infectious outside the host for a very long time.


Was sind Giardien?

Giardia - Causes and Transmission

Dogs can contract Giardia by drinking contaminated water or orally ingesting infected feces that contain the parasite. Your dog does not necessarily have to eat feces for this to happen. Transmission can occur if your dog, for example,  comes into contact with the cysts when sniffing and then licks its nose.


In addition, cysts in the anal region can remain in the fur and lead to a constant recurrence of infection in the same dog when it is licked. Other dogs can also become infected in this way when they sniff the anal area.


The ingestion of 10 cysts is enough to cause an infection. Do you remember that a sick dog can excrete several million cysts with just one gram of feces?


Factors such as altered intestinal flora and a weakened immune system can also contribute to disease.


Puppies and young dogs often affected – why?

Puppies and young dogs are particularly susceptible to Giardia infections. Their immune systems are still developing, which makes it easier for Giardia to attack. In addition, frequent worming treatments and basic immunization with various vaccines constantly challenge the immune system.


Often, puppies begin to show symptoms shortly after leaving the breeder. However, it would be inappropriate to blame the breeder, as vaccinations, deworming, separation from mother and siblings and new surroundings affect the immune system.


The situation is similar with animal protection dogs from abroad.  The vaccination and deworming before the trip as well as the often stressful transport  can the immune system  weaken and thus promote a Giardia infection.


Can Giardia be transmitted to humans?

Yes, humans can also contract Giardia. A Giardia infection is therefore a zoonosis: a disease that can be transmitted between animals and humans. Possible causes can be poor hygiene or flies on human food. A Giardia infection in humans is notifiable.


Giardia infection – symptoms

Diarrhea is the most common symptom of giardiasis.The diarrhea is mushy or slimy, yellowish and smells foul. Blood may also be present. Dogs with Giardia have long-lasting diarrhea.


Vomit is another symptom of Giardia infection. Vomiting can occur sporadically and is often associated with other digestive disorders.


weight loss : Due to prolonged diarrhea and the resulting reduced nutrient absorption, dogs with giardia may lose weight even if they continue to eat normally.


dehydration : Repeated diarrhea can cause the dog to lose fluids and become dehydrated.


Poor coat condition : Some dogs with giardiasis exhibit poor coat condition, which may appear dull or shaggy. This may be due to poor nutrient absorption and impaired digestion.


But beware: It is important to note that only about a third of dogs with Giardia infections show symptoms. Many dogs can be asymptomatic carriers, meaning they harbor and shed the parasite but show no obvious signs of illness. Studies suggest this may be as many as 20% of dogs.


Are Giardia dangerous for my dog? 

In a dog with a strong immune system and a healthy diet, a small amount of Giardia will usually not cause serious problems. However, if the Giardia multiplies, this can quickly become a problem. It is also important to remember that even a dog without symptoms can spread Giardia and is therefore always a danger to other dogs. This is one of the reasons why dog ​​feces should always be picked up.


When puppies, young dogs, immunocompromised dogs or older dogs are affected, persistent diarrhea can easily lead to dehydration, nutrient deficiencies and more serious consequences.


What to do if you have Giardia?

If your dog shows symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and weight loss, a veterinarian should be consulted. Giardiasis is diagnosed by detecting cysts or trophozoites in a stool sample. However, since cysts are excreted in spurts and phases, several stool samples should be collected and tested over several days.


Without treatment, cysts may take months to shed. Treatment usually involves the administration of antiparasitic medications.


Infected dogs should be isolated to prevent the spread of the parasites to other dogs or animals. Objects such as food and water bowls, toys and sleeping areas as well as the surrounding area (floors, carpets) should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis. Care should be taken to ensure that the disinfectant chosen is effective against Giardia and that the washing is sufficiently hot. A steam cleaner is also suitable for cleaning the floors.


The anus should be cleaned with gloves after defecation. If necessary, it is also advisable to trim the hair around the anus area.


What should be considered when feeding?

Giardia prefer carbohydrates. It therefore makes sense to eliminate carbohydrates from the diet and thus “starve” the Giardia.Of course, this does not only apply to the main food, but also to all snacks in between meals. So you should avoid grains, pasta, rice, potatoes and also fruit that contains a lot of fructose, such as bananas.


How do I prevent Giardia?

To prevent Giardia infection, dogs should drink clean water. Puddles and stale water should be avoided as a source of drinking water. And even if it should be obvious: dog excrement should always be picked up. This is the only way to reduce further spread as much as possible. With our fart bags When you collect droppings, you not only protect yourself, but also other four-legged friends.

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