
Sicheres Autofahren mit Hund – Darauf solltest ...
Autofahren mit Hund erfordert die richtige Vorbereitung: Sicherheit, Gewöhnung und kleine Tricks helfen, stressfrei unterwegs zu sein. Erfahre hier, wie du deinen Hund richtig sicherst, was du gegen Reiseübelkeit tun...
Sicheres Autofahren mit Hund – Darauf solltest ...
Autofahren mit Hund erfordert die richtige Vorbereitung: Sicherheit, Gewöhnung und kleine Tricks helfen, stressfrei unterwegs zu sein. Erfahre hier, wie du deinen Hund richtig sicherst, was du gegen Reiseübelkeit tun...

Warum scharren Hunde?
Warum scharren Hunde eigentlich nach dem Pinkeln oder an ihrem Schlafplatz? Dieses Verhalten hat spannende Gründe, die tief in den Instinkten deines Hundes verwurzelt sind. Erfahre mehr darüber!
Warum scharren Hunde?
Warum scharren Hunde eigentlich nach dem Pinkeln oder an ihrem Schlafplatz? Dieses Verhalten hat spannende Gründe, die tief in den Instinkten deines Hundes verwurzelt sind. Erfahre mehr darüber!

Hunde im Frühling: Frühlingsgefühle, Parasiten,...
Frühling ist eine aufregende Zeit – auch für Hunde! Erfahre, ob Hunde Frühlingsgefühle haben, worauf du in der Brut- und Setzzeit achten musst und wie du deinen Vierbeiner vor Zecken...
Hunde im Frühling: Frühlingsgefühle, Parasiten,...
Frühling ist eine aufregende Zeit – auch für Hunde! Erfahre, ob Hunde Frühlingsgefühle haben, worauf du in der Brut- und Setzzeit achten musst und wie du deinen Vierbeiner vor Zecken...

Perfekte Hunde für Kinder: So findest du den id...
Hunde sind die perfekten Begleiter für Familien. Doch welche Rassen eignen sich besonders gut für Kinder? In diesem Blog findest du die besten familien hunde rassen, Tipps für das harmonische...
Perfekte Hunde für Kinder: So findest du den id...
Hunde sind die perfekten Begleiter für Familien. Doch welche Rassen eignen sich besonders gut für Kinder? In diesem Blog findest du die besten familien hunde rassen, Tipps für das harmonische...

Weihnachten mit Hunden: Ein Fest für die ganze ...
Weihnachten mit Hunden kann aufregend und herausfordernd sein: Zwischen glitzernder Deko, Festessen und Geschenken gibt es einiges zu beachten. In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du sicher dekorierst, Gefahren vermeidest...
Weihnachten mit Hunden: Ein Fest für die ganze ...
Weihnachten mit Hunden kann aufregend und herausfordernd sein: Zwischen glitzernder Deko, Festessen und Geschenken gibt es einiges zu beachten. In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du sicher dekorierst, Gefahren vermeidest...

Futterverweigerung beim Hund: Ursachen, Tipps u...
Futterverweigerung beim Hund ist ein häufiges Problem, das viele Ursachen haben kann – von harmlosen Gründen bis hin zu ernsteren Gesundheitsproblemen. In diesem Blog erfährst du, warum dein Hund nicht...
Futterverweigerung beim Hund: Ursachen, Tipps u...
Futterverweigerung beim Hund ist ein häufiges Problem, das viele Ursachen haben kann – von harmlosen Gründen bis hin zu ernsteren Gesundheitsproblemen. In diesem Blog erfährst du, warum dein Hund nicht...

Summer knowledge about dogs
Summer: It's warm and the days are long... ideal for spending a lot of time outside with your four-legged friend. However, there are a few things to keep in mind...
Summer knowledge about dogs
Summer: It's warm and the days are long... ideal for spending a lot of time outside with your four-legged friend. However, there are a few things to keep in mind...

The dog's nose - I smell something you don't smell
For us, our eyes are the most important sense organ. For our dogs, the nose is the most important. We can hardly imagine how well our dogs can smell. Our...
The dog's nose - I smell something you don't smell
For us, our eyes are the most important sense organ. For our dogs, the nose is the most important. We can hardly imagine how well our dogs can smell. Our...

The New Year’s Eve plan for your dog – keep calm
Silvester kann für Hunde und Katzen eine stressige Zeit sein, besonders wegen der lauten Feuerwerksgeräusche. In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du deinen Hund an Silvester beruhigen kannst, welche Beruhigungsmittel...
The New Year’s Eve plan for your dog – keep calm
Silvester kann für Hunde und Katzen eine stressige Zeit sein, besonders wegen der lauten Feuerwerksgeräusche. In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du deinen Hund an Silvester beruhigen kannst, welche Beruhigungsmittel...

Dogs eating snow – harmless pleasure or risk?
As winter arrives and the world turns white, many dogs embark on a time of seemingly carefree fun - snow eating. But is this behavior really as harmless as it...
Dogs eating snow – harmless pleasure or risk?
As winter arrives and the world turns white, many dogs embark on a time of seemingly carefree fun - snow eating. But is this behavior really as harmless as it...

Wolf meets dog - discover their world
Dogs are the direct descendants of wolves, and this heritage still influences their behavior and physique today. In this article, you will gain insight into the world of dogs and...
Wolf meets dog - discover their world
Dogs are the direct descendants of wolves, and this heritage still influences their behavior and physique today. In this article, you will gain insight into the world of dogs and...

If your dog eats poop: causes and solutions
Eating feces, also known as coprophagia, can be an alarming behavior in dogs. At alphazoo we give you an overview of the possible causes and solutions for this unpleasant problem....
If your dog eats poop: causes and solutions
Eating feces, also known as coprophagia, can be an alarming behavior in dogs. At alphazoo we give you an overview of the possible causes and solutions for this unpleasant problem....

Your dog snores? Understand instead of being an...
From alphazoo, you will learn all the facts about your four-legged friend's snoring. We give you a helpful guide to the cause, diagnosis and possible treatments if your dog snores....
Your dog snores? Understand instead of being an...
From alphazoo, you will learn all the facts about your four-legged friend's snoring. We give you a helpful guide to the cause, diagnosis and possible treatments if your dog snores....

Pseudo-pregnancy in dogs - when the hormones go...
What we should know in advance: Pseudopregnancy is not a disease, but a completely natural process in unneutered bitches. To understand this process, we need to at least briefly look...
Pseudo-pregnancy in dogs - when the hormones go...
What we should know in advance: Pseudopregnancy is not a disease, but a completely natural process in unneutered bitches. To understand this process, we need to at least briefly look...

Why does my dog eat grass?
Almost every dog owner has probably asked themselves this question at some point. Should you be worried if your dog eats grass or is it harmless? As there are many...
Why does my dog eat grass?
Almost every dog owner has probably asked themselves this question at some point. Should you be worried if your dog eats grass or is it harmless? As there are many...

7 signs your dog loves you
Are you wondering how your dog shows you his love? Here at alphazoo we present you 7 signs that express your dog's deep affection for you. Eye contact: eyes are...
7 signs your dog loves you
Are you wondering how your dog shows you his love? Here at alphazoo we present you 7 signs that express your dog's deep affection for you. Eye contact: eyes are...

Does your dog's sleeping position have a meaning?
Have you ever wondered what your dog's sleeping positions can mean? At alphazoo we explain what the different sleeping positions can say about your dog's personality and well-being. The site:...
Does your dog's sleeping position have a meaning?
Have you ever wondered what your dog's sleeping positions can mean? At alphazoo we explain what the different sleeping positions can say about your dog's personality and well-being. The site:...

Finding a good dog boarding facility: tips & tr...
Sometimes it is unavoidable and you have to leave your dog in someone else's hands for a short time. At alphazoo we understand that this can be a difficult decision...
Finding a good dog boarding facility: tips & tr...
Sometimes it is unavoidable and you have to leave your dog in someone else's hands for a short time. At alphazoo we understand that this can be a difficult decision...

Explore the world – short tips for trips with y...
Your dog is not only a pet, but also an adventurer, just like you. At alphazoo we have put together some ideas for you that can make your next trip...
Explore the world – short tips for trips with y...
Your dog is not only a pet, but also an adventurer, just like you. At alphazoo we have put together some ideas for you that can make your next trip...

Explore the world together - fly with your dog
Are you planning a vacation and want to take your four-legged friend with you? At alphazoo we know that your dog is part of the family and you would like...
Explore the world together - fly with your dog
Are you planning a vacation and want to take your four-legged friend with you? At alphazoo we know that your dog is part of the family and you would like...

Effectively avoid stress and anxiety in your dog
Your dog is your best friend and part of your family. That's why it's important that he's always healthy and happy. However, sometimes stress and anxiety can affect your furry...
Effectively avoid stress and anxiety in your dog
Your dog is your best friend and part of your family. That's why it's important that he's always healthy and happy. However, sometimes stress and anxiety can affect your furry...

Recognizing stress and anxiety in dogs
When it comes to our beloved four-legged friends, we are often concerned about their well-being. Stress and anxiety can play a role in their lives, just like in humans. In...
Recognizing stress and anxiety in dogs
When it comes to our beloved four-legged friends, we are often concerned about their well-being. Stress and anxiety can play a role in their lives, just like in humans. In...

Relax and find peace
The relaxed dog – training or does it depend on the breed? The ideal image of every dog owner is probably a well-behaved, relaxed dog. But the reality is often...
Relax and find peace
The relaxed dog – training or does it depend on the breed? The ideal image of every dog owner is probably a well-behaved, relaxed dog. But the reality is often...

Poisonous houseplants for dogs & cats
Zimmerpflanzen können für Hunde und Katzen gefährlich sein, da viele Arten giftige Stoffe in Blättern, Blüten, Knollen oder Pflanzensäften enthalten. Besonders neugierige Vierbeiner geraten leicht in Kontakt mit diesen Gefahrenquellen,...
Poisonous houseplants for dogs & cats
Zimmerpflanzen können für Hunde und Katzen gefährlich sein, da viele Arten giftige Stoffe in Blättern, Blüten, Knollen oder Pflanzensäften enthalten. Besonders neugierige Vierbeiner geraten leicht in Kontakt mit diesen Gefahrenquellen,...

Traveling with your four-legged friend
Das Verreisen mit Hund und Katze erfordert gute Planung, um Stress für dich und dein Haustier zu vermeiden. In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du deinen Urlaub mit Hund oder...
Traveling with your four-legged friend
Das Verreisen mit Hund und Katze erfordert gute Planung, um Stress für dich und dein Haustier zu vermeiden. In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du deinen Urlaub mit Hund oder...

Restlessness in dogs
Where it comes from and how you can support your four-legged friend New Year’s Eve firecrackers and sirens, long car rides, Thunderstorm, large crowds or vet visits – Restlessness can...
Restlessness in dogs
Where it comes from and how you can support your four-legged friend New Year’s Eve firecrackers and sirens, long car rides, Thunderstorm, large crowds or vet visits – Restlessness can...