
Krallen schneiden beim Hund: Tipps, Anleitung u...
Das Krallenschneiden beim Hund gehört zur regelmäßigen Pflege, wird aber oft vergessen oder gefürchtet. Mit der richtigen Technik und dem passenden Werkzeug kannst du die Krallen deines Hundes ganz einfach...
Krallen schneiden beim Hund: Tipps, Anleitung u...
Das Krallenschneiden beim Hund gehört zur regelmäßigen Pflege, wird aber oft vergessen oder gefürchtet. Mit der richtigen Technik und dem passenden Werkzeug kannst du die Krallen deines Hundes ganz einfach...

Felltypen des Hundes: Pflege, Unterschiede und ...
Das Fell eines Hundes ist mehr als nur ein Schutz – es sagt viel über seine Rasse und Pflegebedürfnisse aus. Von Kurzhaar bis Langhaar, Stockhaar bis Rauhaar: In diesem Blog...
Felltypen des Hundes: Pflege, Unterschiede und ...
Das Fell eines Hundes ist mehr als nur ein Schutz – es sagt viel über seine Rasse und Pflegebedürfnisse aus. Von Kurzhaar bis Langhaar, Stockhaar bis Rauhaar: In diesem Blog...

Sommer-Schur beim Hund: Alles über Scheren, Tri...
Im Sommer kann die Hitze für Hunde mit langen Haaren zur Herausforderung werden. Doch ist eine Sommer-Schur immer sinnvoll? In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du deinen Hund richtig scherst,...
Sommer-Schur beim Hund: Alles über Scheren, Tri...
Im Sommer kann die Hitze für Hunde mit langen Haaren zur Herausforderung werden. Doch ist eine Sommer-Schur immer sinnvoll? In diesem Blog erfährst du, wie du deinen Hund richtig scherst,...

Winter knowledge about dogs
In winter, dog owners are faced with issues that they hardly or never have to think about during the rest of the year. We would like to address classic questions...
Winter knowledge about dogs
In winter, dog owners are faced with issues that they hardly or never have to think about during the rest of the year. We would like to address classic questions...

Correctly brushing dogs’ teeth – helpful tips
Does your dog have dental problems or just bad breath? Here at alphazoo we teach you how to brush your dog's teeth properly and ensure healthy teeth. Why is brushing...
Correctly brushing dogs’ teeth – helpful tips
Does your dog have dental problems or just bad breath? Here at alphazoo we teach you how to brush your dog's teeth properly and ensure healthy teeth. Why is brushing...

Bad breath in dogs: What you need to know
Does your four-legged companion have bad breath? Here at alphazoo we show you what you need to know about bad breath in dogs and how you can counteract it. The...
Bad breath in dogs: What you need to know
Does your four-legged companion have bad breath? Here at alphazoo we show you what you need to know about bad breath in dogs and how you can counteract it. The...

Clean your dog's ears properly - the complete g...
Have you ever wondered how to clean dog ears properly? At alphazoo we teach you how to keep your dog's ears properly clean and prevent possible health problems. Importance of...
Clean your dog's ears properly - the complete g...
Have you ever wondered how to clean dog ears properly? At alphazoo we teach you how to keep your dog's ears properly clean and prevent possible health problems. Importance of...

The change of fur in puppies - this is what you...
Is your puppy experiencing its first coat change and you are unsure what to do? At alphazoo we explain everything you need to know about coat changes in puppies. Understanding...
The change of fur in puppies - this is what you...
Is your puppy experiencing its first coat change and you are unsure what to do? At alphazoo we explain everything you need to know about coat changes in puppies. Understanding...

Coat problems in dogs: what you can do
Does your four-legged friend have coat problems? At alphazoo, we not only help you understand coat problems, but also find solutions to improve your dog's coat health. Main causes of...
Coat problems in dogs: what you can do
Does your four-legged friend have coat problems? At alphazoo, we not only help you understand coat problems, but also find solutions to improve your dog's coat health. Main causes of...

Itching in dogs – what can I do?
Have you noticed that your beloved four-legged friend is scratching more often than usual? Here at alphazoo we give you an insight into the main causes of itching in dogs...
Itching in dogs – what can I do?
Have you noticed that your beloved four-legged friend is scratching more often than usual? Here at alphazoo we give you an insight into the main causes of itching in dogs...

Dandruff in dogs – what can I do?
Have you ever noticed that your dog has dandruff in his coat? At alphazoo we know that this can be a concern for any dog owner, so we have created...
Dandruff in dogs – what can I do?
Have you ever noticed that your dog has dandruff in his coat? At alphazoo we know that this can be a concern for any dog owner, so we have created...

Hair loss in dogs – what can I do?
Haarausfall beim Hund kann viele Ursachen haben, von harmlosen Fellwechseln bis hin zu gesundheitlichen Problemen. In diesem Blog erfährst du, welche Gründe hinter Haarausfall stecken können, wie du die Ursache...
Hair loss in dogs – what can I do?
Haarausfall beim Hund kann viele Ursachen haben, von harmlosen Fellwechseln bis hin zu gesundheitlichen Problemen. In diesem Blog erfährst du, welche Gründe hinter Haarausfall stecken können, wie du die Ursache...

Paw care for your dog – how to care for them pr...
Your dog's paws require special attention, especially during the cold season. At alphazoo we have put together some tips to keep your best friend's paws healthy and happy. Paw Check:...
Paw care for your dog – how to care for them pr...
Your dog's paws require special attention, especially during the cold season. At alphazoo we have put together some tips to keep your best friend's paws healthy and happy. Paw Check:...

Road salt – danger to paws in winter?
While road salt helps keep icy paths and walkways safe in winter, it can pose a serious danger to your dog. At alphazoo, we want to inform you about why...
Road salt – danger to paws in winter?
While road salt helps keep icy paths and walkways safe in winter, it can pose a serious danger to your dog. At alphazoo, we want to inform you about why...

Hot asphalt – danger to paws in summer?
When temperatures rise, hot asphalt can pose a serious threat to your dog's paws. At alphazoo you will find valuable advice to protect your four-legged friend during the heat season....
Hot asphalt – danger to paws in summer?
When temperatures rise, hot asphalt can pose a serious threat to your dog's paws. At alphazoo you will find valuable advice to protect your four-legged friend during the heat season....

Grooming dogs
Grooming your dog: How much hygiene is necessary? Long-haired dachshunds, bobtails, Dalmatians or Jack Russell terriers - our dogs' fur is as varied as their characters. The amount of effort...
Grooming dogs
Grooming your dog: How much hygiene is necessary? Long-haired dachshunds, bobtails, Dalmatians or Jack Russell terriers - our dogs' fur is as varied as their characters. The amount of effort...

Still completely clean? Wash dogs – yes, no, ma...
That was a real wash! A question that concerns many dog owners and often leads to discussion: Can I wash my dog? If so, how often - and with which...
Still completely clean? Wash dogs – yes, no, ma...
That was a real wash! A question that concerns many dog owners and often leads to discussion: Can I wash my dog? If so, how often - and with which...

Dog shedding
Facts about shedding Wear Do you wear the same clothes in winter as you do in summer? Probably not! Of course, there are always People who also have short cargo...
Dog shedding
Facts about shedding Wear Do you wear the same clothes in winter as you do in summer? Probably not! Of course, there are always People who also have short cargo...

Skin care and grooming for dogs and cats
The skin as a mirror of the soul – as with us humans, the skin and also the fur of dogs and cats are considered indicators of health. Over the...
Skin care and grooming for dogs and cats
The skin as a mirror of the soul – as with us humans, the skin and also the fur of dogs and cats are considered indicators of health. Over the...

Small but mighty: the right care for your puppy
Furry new addition to the family? You're probably wondering how to properly care for the little rascal. In this article, we'll tell you why grooming is so important for puppies,...
Small but mighty: the right care for your puppy
Furry new addition to the family? You're probably wondering how to properly care for the little rascal. In this article, we'll tell you why grooming is so important for puppies,...

Flea infestation? This is how you fight fleas o...
If your dog or cat suddenly starts scratching more and behaves restlessly, it's worth taking a closer look - fleas may have chosen the animal's fur as a free hotel....
Flea infestation? This is how you fight fleas o...
If your dog or cat suddenly starts scratching more and behaves restlessly, it's worth taking a closer look - fleas may have chosen the animal's fur as a free hotel....