German boxer

German boxer






FCI Gruppe: 2

FCI Standart Nummer: 144

Gewicht: 25 kg-32 kg

Größe: 53 cm-63 cm

Alter: 10-12

Ursprungsland: Germany


The German Boxer is a medium to large breed of dog with a muscular and powerful build. Adult male dogs are 57 to 63 cm tall at the shoulder and weigh around 30 to 32 kg. Adult female dogs have a shoulder height of 53 to 59 cm and weigh around 25 to 27 kg.

The boxer's head is powerful and broad with a short, broad muzzle and a black mask around the eyes. The ears are medium sized and stand erect. The body is muscular and athletic with a deep chest and a straight, strong back line. The coat is short, shiny and comes in a variety of colors including brindle, brown and white.

Charakter / Wesen

Characteristics of the German boxer

The German Boxer is a very versatile dog breed with many positive characteristics. Here are some of the key traits boxers are known for:

1. Intelligence:Boxers are very intelligent dogs and learn quickly. They are capable of completing complex tasks and can therefore be used as rescue, police or therapy dogs.

2. Loyalty:Boxers are extremely loyal and affectionate to their owners and family. They are known for their loyalty and loving nature.

3. Kindness:Boxers are very friendly dogs and generally get along well with children and other pets. They are rarely aggressive and have a friendly nature.

4. Protective instinct:Boxers have a strong protective instinct and are therefore very good guard dogs. They will fiercely defend their family and territory.

5. Energy:Boxers are very energetic dogs and require plenty of exercise and physical activity to stay happy and healthy. They are well suited for active people who enjoy running, hiking or other outdoor activities.

6. Sensitivity:
Boxers are very sensitive and sensitive to their owners' moods.

7. Playfulness:Boxers are very playful dogs and love to interact and play with their owners. They have a strong play instinct and remain playful well into old age.

Neigungen Rassenbedingt

Diseases typical of the breed

Boxers are at increased risk of heart diseases such as dilated cardiomyopathy (a condition in which the heart enlarges and weakens) and aortic stenosis (a narrowing of the aorta that prevents the heart from pumping blood effectively).
Furthermore, Boxers have a higher risk of several types of cancer, such as lymphoma, mast cell tumors and hemangiosarcoma.

Boxers are prone to gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric torsion and stomach overload. Both conditions can be life-threatening and require rapid treatment.

Because of their flat snouts (brachycephaly), Boxers can suffer from respiratory diseases such as respiratory distress syndrome, laryngeal paralysis and tracheal collapse.

Boxers can suffer from various types of allergies, which can cause rashes, itching, and skin infections.

Schon gewusst?

How much does a boxer cost?

The price of a Boxer can vary depending on various factors such as location, breeder quality, pedigree, health guarantee and demand. As a rule, a Boxer puppy from a reputable breeder can cost between 1000 and 2500 euros.

It is important to look for a reputable breeder when purchasing a Boxer and not just the price. A reputable breeder will usually offer a guarantee of the puppy's health and will have all necessary health checks carried out before handing over the puppy. One should also ensure that the breeder has sufficient experience and knowledge in breeding Boxers and that the puppies are raised in a safe and healthy environment.

Additionally, there are also Boxer rescue organizations that offer Boxers for adoption. The cost of adoption can vary from organization to organization, but is usually lower than the purchase price of a puppy from a breeder.


The German Boxer was bred in Germany at the end of the 19th century. There are various theories about his ancestry, but most experts believe he is a cross between bulldogs and terriers. Some sources claim that the German Pinscher and the Brabant Bullenbeißer were also involved in its creation.

The first boxers were used as hunting dogs, particularly for hunting wild boars. Later they were also used as guard and protection dogs. During World War I, Boxers were used as war dogs to carry messages and search for wounded soldiers.

In the 1920s, Boxers also began to become popular as family dogs. The breed quickly became popular in Germany and other parts of Europe and spread to the United States in the 1930s.

During the Second World War, many Boxers were used as war dogs, but also as medical dogs and as search and rescue dogs.

After the war, breeding of the German Boxer continued and it became one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Today the German Boxer is mainly kept as a family and companion dog, but it is also used in various areas such as police, rescue and therapy dogs.



Grooming the German Boxer's coat is comparatively easy, as its short coat does not require much care. It is enough to brush the coat once a week with a brush or rubber curry comb to remove loose hair and dirt.

It is also important to regularly clean the Boxer's ears as they can be susceptible to dirt and infection.

It is also advisable to clean the Boxer's teeth regularly to avoid tartar and tooth decay. This can best be done with a special dog toothbrush and toothpaste.

Finally, the Boxer's claws should be regularly trimmed to an appropriate length to avoid injuries and problems while walking. This can be done by a veterinarian or a professional dog groomer.

The German boxer in training

Overall, Boxers are easy to train if you apply patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement training.

By giving your dog clear instructions and regular training and socialization, you can ensure that he develops into a well-behaved and happy companion.

The earlier you start training, the easier it will be for him to learn new skills and follow rules.
It's best to train for short intervals of 5 to 10 minutes several times a day. This is the best way for dogs to learn and you don't overwhelm them.

When training a dog, it is of course important to have a lot of patience and perseverance. You should always give your dog enough time to learn new things.


A balanced and healthy diet is of great importance for Boxers, as for all dogs. Here are some tips for a boxer's diet:

1. High Quality Dog Food:You should choose a high-quality dog ​​food that covers all nutrients.

2. Feeding time:The Boxer should be fed regularly at the same time per day to establish a healthy routine and avoid digestive problems.

3. Quantity:The Boxer should not be given too much or too little food. The right amount depends on factors such as age, weight, activity level and metabolic rate.

4. Water:There should always be enough fresh water available to keep the boxer hydrated.

5. Snacks:You should pay attention to healthy snacks such as carrots, apples or dried meat. Human foods that are unsuitable for dogs should be avoided. When it comes to bones, you have to be careful that they don't splinter.

6. Dietary Supplements:If necessary, nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, or joint support agents can be added. However, you should always consult a veterinarian before feeding any supplements.