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The ideal companion: Barf Oil for Dogs & Cats
Do you love to offer your four-legged friends only the best and rely on a natural diet? With the alphazoo Alpha Barf Oil for Dogs & Cats you enrich the daily meals of your loved ones in a tasty way. Perfectly balanced, this oil supports a balanced Barf nutrition, without the use of artificial additives.
Pure balance: Omega 3 6 9 for Dogs & Cats
Harmony in the bowl – that’s what alphazoo stands for Omega 3 6 9 Oil for Dogs & Cats This high quality oil is an excellent source to maintain the balance of essential fatty acids in your BARF food The clever composition of fatty acids ensures that your animal companion is provided with everything it needs for a vital life.
What is BARF?
Barfing – a trend that has become a philosophy. Behind this lies the biologically appropriate raw feeding, in which dogs and cats are fed with raw meat, bones and other ingredients. This traditional form of nutrition is based on the food intake of their wild ancestors and relies on unprocessed, raw ingredients. The alphazoo Alpha Oil for Dogs and Cats for raw feeding ideally complements this concept by providing a source of valuable fatty acids.
Harmonic Barf Everyday
The regular administration of alphazoo Alpha Barf Oil for dogs and cats for BARF is uncomplicated and is a Barf Snack of a special kind. Simply drizzle the oil over the raw meat and the meal is ready to be served. For all those who want an alternative to mixing it themselves or Ready Barf this oil is the ideal solution.
Simplicity that convinces
Of course, ease of use also plays a major role in feeding your animals. alphazoo Alpha Barf feed oil for dogs & cats comes in a practical dosing bottle that allows for clean and precise portioning. This makes this oil not only an optimal component of the BARF dog food or BARF cat food , but also a convenience for you.
Your benefits at a glance
With the alphazoo Omega 3 6 9 Oil Alpha-Barf for Dogs & Cats you choose a product that simplifies feeding your animals and at the same time enriches their daily diet. It is the mix of comfort for you and pleasure for your dog or cat that makes this Barföl so special. Trust in a harmonious composition of selected ingredients and experience the extra joie de vivre that you offer your four-legged friends.
Order now – for happy four-legged friends!
Do you want to do something good for your animal family member? Then choose the high-quality alphazoo Alpha Barf food oil for dogs & cats Enjoy the joy and satisfaction that you bring to your loved one when the next Barf Mahl is enriched with this special oil. Order now and see for yourself how easy it is to use and the quality of the oil.Make the bowl a place of enjoyment and vitality – with alphazoo Alpha Barf feed oil for dogs and cats for raw feeding .
- Dogs up to 10 kg 5 ml daily
- Dogs 10 to 20 kg 10 ml daily
- Dogs 20 to 30 kg 15 ml daily
- Dogs 30 to 40 kg 20 ml daily
- Cats 2.5 ml daily
Alpha Barf food oil for dogs & cats I Omega 3 6 9 for barfing
Ideal für Barf, Nass- & Trockenfutter 🐾
Natürliche Zutaten, regional verarbeitet
Einfache Anwendung, Premium-Qualität
250 ml
8,95 €
2 x 250 ml
8,95 €
8,50 €
3 x 250 ml
8,95 €
8,06 €
6 x 250 ml
8,95 €
7,61 €
Kostenloser Versand ab 39 € (DE)
Rechnungskauf – erst kaufen, dann zahlen
Versand erfolgt direkt aus Dortmund, Deutschland
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The ideal companion: Barf Oil for Dogs & Cats
Do you love to offer your four-legged friends only the best and rely on a natural diet? With the alphazoo Alpha Barf Oil for Dogs & Cats you enrich the daily meals of your loved ones in a tasty way. Perfectly balanced, this oil supports a balanced Barf nutrition, without the use of artificial additives.
Pure balance: Omega 3 6 9 for Dogs & Cats
Harmony in the bowl – that’s what alphazoo stands for Omega 3 6 9 Oil for Dogs & Cats This high quality oil is an excellent source to maintain the balance of essential fatty acids in your BARF food The clever composition of fatty acids ensures that your animal companion is provided with everything it needs for a vital life.
What is BARF?
Barfing – a trend that has become a philosophy. Behind this lies the biologically appropriate raw feeding, in which dogs and cats are fed with raw meat, bones and other ingredients. This traditional form of nutrition is based on the food intake of their wild ancestors and relies on unprocessed, raw ingredients. The alphazoo Alpha Oil for Dogs and Cats for raw feeding ideally complements this concept by providing a source of valuable fatty acids.
Harmonic Barf Everyday
The regular administration of alphazoo Alpha Barf Oil for dogs and cats for BARF is uncomplicated and is a Barf Snack of a special kind. Simply drizzle the oil over the raw meat and the meal is ready to be served. For all those who want an alternative to mixing it themselves or Ready Barf this oil is the ideal solution.
Simplicity that convinces
Of course, ease of use also plays a major role in feeding your animals. alphazoo Alpha Barf feed oil for dogs & cats comes in a practical dosing bottle that allows for clean and precise portioning. This makes this oil not only an optimal component of the BARF dog food or BARF cat food , but also a convenience for you.
Your benefits at a glance
With the alphazoo Omega 3 6 9 Oil Alpha-Barf for Dogs & Cats you choose a product that simplifies feeding your animals and at the same time enriches their daily diet. It is the mix of comfort for you and pleasure for your dog or cat that makes this Barföl so special. Trust in a harmonious composition of selected ingredients and experience the extra joie de vivre that you offer your four-legged friends.
Order now – for happy four-legged friends!
Do you want to do something good for your animal family member? Then choose the high-quality alphazoo Alpha Barf food oil for dogs & cats Enjoy the joy and satisfaction that you bring to your loved one when the next Barf Mahl is enriched with this special oil. Order now and see for yourself how easy it is to use and the quality of the oil.Make the bowl a place of enjoyment and vitality – with alphazoo Alpha Barf feed oil for dogs and cats for raw feeding .
- Dogs up to 10 kg 5 ml daily
- Dogs 10 to 20 kg 10 ml daily
- Dogs 20 to 30 kg 15 ml daily
- Dogs 30 to 40 kg 20 ml daily
- Cats 2.5 ml daily





Perfekt für jede Fütterung
Ob Barf, Nass- oder Trockenfutter – das Alpha-Barf Futteröl ergänzt jede Mahlzeit und macht sie besonders. Einfach ins Futter geben und genießen lassen!
Warum dieses Öl so besonders ist
Hergestellt aus regionalen Zutaten, steht unser Futteröl für höchste Qualität. Kleine Chargen und liebevolle Verarbeitung garantieren ein Premiumprodukt.
Anwendung leicht gemacht
Einfach dosieren und ins Futter deines Lieblings mischen. Egal, ob morgens, mittags oder abends – das Alpha-Barf Futteröl passt in jeden Fütterungsalltag.
Das sagen unsere Tierliebhaber
Alpha – was? Klar, der Name mag nach einem epischen Boss-Level klingen, aber lass Dich davon nicht auf eine falsche Fährte locken. Die geheime (altgriechische) Formel dahinter: Alpha: das Erste, Beste, Größte und Zoo: Tier, Lebewesen. Kurzum: Für uns stehen Vierbeiner an erster Stelle. Und wäre es nicht so kitschig, würden wir uns als Zentrale für tierische Lebensfreude bezeichnen (psst, das bleibt jetzt aber wirklich unter uns!).