Das richtige Futtermittel,ALPHAZOO

The right feed

Many dog ​​owners ask themselves the question: Which dog food is best for my dog? The selection of dog food on the market is huge: Whether  wet food dry food  or the  feeding fresh meat  (Barf, barfen) – the 

Factors to consider when choosing the right food include breed, age, gender, activity, weight, possible illnesses and intolerances, and the general nutritional status of your animal. For example, a miniature pinscher weighing 3-5 kilograms needs a different food ration than a male Labrador weighing around 25-36 kilograms.

The differences between wet food and dry food for dogs

1. Dry food for dogs

If you want to give your dog only dry food, it is especially important that you also provide him with sufficient water. You should also pay attention to the  grain content in the feed  Although this quickly leads to a feeling of fullness in your four-legged friend, it contains few nutrients. 

Because dry food is hard, it has to be chewed for a long time. This not only makes the dog full, but is also healthy and beneficial for the teeth. Many dog ​​owners also appreciate the lower purchase price and the possibility of storing the food for a longer period of time.

2. Wet food for dogs

Unlike dry food, wet food also allows animals to drink enough liquid. Due to its more intense taste and soft consistency, wet food is preferred by many dogs. In contrast to dry food, many types of wet food have a higher proportion of animal proteins. These are extremely important for your dog's healthy diet. Unfortunately, some dogs react to the high water content with diarrhea. The soft consistency does not necessarily promote dental care and many dog ​​owners complain of a bad smell. Nevertheless, wet food, often in combination with chew sticks as a snack, is a popular form of nutrition: wet food is often considered tastier and can appeal to picky eaters. The softer texture of wet food can be easier to chew for dogs with dental problems or older dogs.

Ultimately, you should make the decision based on your dog's individual needs, preferences, health, and the recommendations of your veterinarian. Some dog owners also choose to offer a combination of dry and wet food to get the benefits of both options. It is important that the food you choose meets your dog's nutritional needs and contains high-quality ingredients.

Barf – "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food" 

The dog is descended from the wolf, even if this is hardly noticeable in certain dog breeds. Raw feeding is considered to be a particularly species-appropriate diet for dogs and is now enjoying great popularity.  This type of feeding is a little more expensive and time-consuming, but you have the opportunity to decide for yourself what your dog eats. Only raw meat, bones and vegetables are fed, which are usually bought pre-frozen. This type of feeding is based on the natural eating habits of wolves - no hidden fillers and little to no grain. BARF should only be  under supervision be started.Anyone interested in the raw feeding method should study it carefully beforehand and seek expert advice. Together we can create an individual nutrition plan for your dog that is tailored precisely to his age, weight and other characteristics.

Dog food – what do the analytical components mean?

crude ash

Every dog ​​owner has read it on the packaging, but what does the crude ash content mean for your four-legged friend? The term crude ash mainly refers to minerals and vitamins. A high ash content can indicate an excessive phosphorus and calcium content, which can have a direct impact on your dog's kidney function. It also stimulates the formation of urinary stones. You should therefore ensure that your dog food does not contain more than 6 percent crude ash.

crude protein

The protein content of the food plays a particularly important role in dog nutrition. For dry food, it should be around 22 percent, but under 30 percent. This standard does not apply to overweight animals or pregnant or lactating bitches. 

crude fat

The appropriate amount of raw fat required varies depending on the health, age and activity of your dog. Active dogs that are used in dog sports require a significantly higher fat content in their diet than senior dogs who are less active.

crude fiber

The term "crude fiber" covers a wide range of different food components. However, it mainly includes fiber, which plays an important role in the dog's digestion. The crude fiber content is ideally between 1.5 and 5 percent. Unlike the fat content, high-performance animals tend to need less crude fiber. Old or overweight animals, on the other hand, need a higher crude fiber content.

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