Würmer bei Hunden: Symptome, Behandlung und Vorbeugung

Worm treatment for dogs: what you need to know

How do I recognize worms in dogs? What types of worming medication are available? And how can I support my animal's digestion after a worming treatment?

This is where the worm is: By sniffing in nature or by infesting with fleas, dogs are at risk of becoming infected with worms. Worms primarily settle in the intestines and extract nutrients from the four-legged friend.

In order to be as well prepared as possible for a dog with worms, it is important to be fully informed about parasites and how to deworm dogs: What types of worms are there? How do worms get into dogs? What are the signs of worms in animals? What should I do if my dog ​​has worms? And how can I support my animal's digestion after a worming treatment - we'll explain!

What types of worms are there in dogs? 

Tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms: There are many different types of worms that can infect your dog. The most common in Germany include:

  1. roundworms
  2. hookworms
  3. tapeworms
  4. whipworms
  5. lungworms  

💡 Good to know: There are also the so-called heartworms , which are common in dogs from the Mediterranean region and are transmitted by mosquitoes. 

How does the worm get into the dog?

Good question! There are many different ways your dog can become infected with worm eggs or larvae. Below we have listed the most common causes of infection:

  • Sniff : Your four-legged friend can become infected with worms by sniffing the feces of other infected dogs
  • food/water : Through direct ingestion of food or water contaminated with faeces containing worm eggs or larvae
  • skin : Hookworms can, for example, burrow through the animal’s skin
  • fleas : The flea serves as an intermediate host for tapeworms. If your dog bites a flea, the worm larvae can enter the gastrointestinal tract
  • mosquitoes : As already mentioned above, mosquitoes (for example the Asian tiger mosquito) can transmit heartworm larvae when they bite, which develop into heartworms

Worm infestation: Signs of worms in dogs

It is difficult to tell whether a four-legged friend has worms. Adult dogs in particular usually show no signs. Nevertheless, they may have come into contact with worms and thus pose a potential danger to other dogs.

Based on these possible signs You can recognize worm infestation in your animal:

  • Diarrhea, "slimy" stool
  • Vomit
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • itching of the anus ("sledding")
  • constipation
  • blood in the stool

⚠️  As the disease progresses, vomiting and noticeable changes to your pet's skin and coat may occur.

💡 misconception : Many people believe: "If I don't see any worms in the dog's stool, then there aren't any!" That's not true! Just because we can't (always) see the worms with the naked eye doesn't mean that they aren't there. The dog's stool mainly contains worm eggs and larvae, and these can only be seen under a microscope.

My pet has worms – what should I do?

If you notice one or more of the above-mentioned possible signs in your dog, it is advisable to have your four-legged friend  veterinary examination  To detect worms in the animal, the veterinarian examines the dog's stool under a microscope. To get an accurate result, you should  stool samples  your dog, as worm eggs or larvae are only excreted irregularly in the feces.

If the veterinarian detects an infestation with worms, he or she can recommend a suitable  Suggest a course of action to rid your dog of these annoying parasites.

Possible procedures against parasites are for example:

  • tablets
  • spot-on preparations
  • deworming pastes
  • injections

Prevention: natural deworming for dogs

As an alternative to the common  Deworming – which is usually recommended at least four times a year – it is advisable to regularly collective stool sample of the dog to the vet. If the test is positive, the four-legged friend will be dewormed - unfortunately there is no way around it. However, if no worm eggs or larvae can be found in the stool, then the animal does not need to be dewormed.

Good intestinal flora: supporting digestion 

A worming treatment can really hit your four-legged friend's stomach. Worming medication attacks the four-legged friend's gastrointestinal flora. That is why it is so important to  intestinal flora  In addition, a good  digestion  Protection for your four-legged friend.

To harmonize the gastrointestinal tract and stomach well-being again, we recommend:

  • Herbs such as licorice, walnut leaves, yarrow and chamomile
  • bland diet and possibly probiotics 
  • Supportive supplementary feed
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