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A touch of New Zealand for your four-legged friends
Discover with the Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats by alphazoo the power of a special ingredient from the distant waters of New Zealand. This fine powder brings a piece of nature to your home, directly from the place of origin of the green-shell mussels , which have been highly valued there for centuries.
Inspired by traditional wisdom
Even the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, relied on the green-lipped mussel as a home remedy and use their benefits in their daily diet. The alphazoo full-fat version The powder takes up this traditional treasure and presents it in a form that is ideal for your loved ones at home.
The Secret of Full-Fat Quality
In the production of our green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats We attach great importance to a careful procedure. Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats is made from the complete meat of the green-lipped mussel (Perna Canaliculus) It retains all its natural fats during the milling process, resulting in a pure and wholesome product.
Pure nature without additives
Our full-fat Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats contains only the best of the mussel, without any additives. This makes it a natural supplement for your animal friends. Above all, it is important to emphasize that this is not a conventional green-lipped mussel extracts or New Zealand mussel meat meal in encapsulated form with the addition of binding agents.
Well-balanced all around
In the alphazoo product range you will not find green-lipped mussel capsules , but only the natural powder without the addition of binding agents or flow agents, presenting important naturally occurring components such as glycosaminoglycans and omega-3 fatty acids that can be harmoniously integrated into your pet's daily feeding.
Your choice for alphazoo quality
With our Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats by alphazoo you choose a tradition that combines modern knowledge and the highest quality standards. The unique composition of the green mussel powder could enrich the daily food of your faithful companion in a special way.
Ready for alphazoo?
Take the next step and bring the vastness of New Zealand into your cat or dog’s bowl. Try this Green-lipped mussel for dogs and cats Powder from alphazoo and experience how nature and care come together in one product.
Discover the powder now and treat your four-legged friend to something special!
- Dogs up to 10 kg 0.5 g daily
- Dogs 10 to 20 kg 1 g daily
- Dogs 20 to 30 kg 1.5 g daily
- Dogs 30 to 40 kg 2 g daily
- Cats 0.5 g daily
Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs & cats I full-fat green-lipped mussel
Naturreines Pulver ohne Zusatzstoffe
Direkt aus den Gewässern Neuseelands
Einfach anzuwenden – perfekt fürs Futter
250 g
19,95 €
2 x 250 g
19,95 €
18,95 €
3 x 250 g
19,95 €
17,96 €
6 x 250 g
19,95 €
16,96 €
Kostenloser Versand ab 39 € (DE)
Rechnungskauf – erst kaufen, dann zahlen
Versand erfolgt direkt aus Dortmund, Deutschland
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A touch of New Zealand for your four-legged friends
Discover with the Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats by alphazoo the power of a special ingredient from the distant waters of New Zealand. This fine powder brings a piece of nature to your home, directly from the place of origin of the green-shell mussels , which have been highly valued there for centuries.
Inspired by traditional wisdom
Even the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, relied on the green-lipped mussel as a home remedy and use their benefits in their daily diet. The alphazoo full-fat version The powder takes up this traditional treasure and presents it in a form that is ideal for your loved ones at home.
The Secret of Full-Fat Quality
In the production of our green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats We attach great importance to a careful procedure. Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats is made from the complete meat of the green-lipped mussel (Perna Canaliculus) It retains all its natural fats during the milling process, resulting in a pure and wholesome product.
Pure nature without additives
Our full-fat Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats contains only the best of the mussel, without any additives. This makes it a natural supplement for your animal friends. Above all, it is important to emphasize that this is not a conventional green-lipped mussel extracts or New Zealand mussel meat meal in encapsulated form with the addition of binding agents.
Well-balanced all around
In the alphazoo product range you will not find green-lipped mussel capsules , but only the natural powder without the addition of binding agents or flow agents, presenting important naturally occurring components such as glycosaminoglycans and omega-3 fatty acids that can be harmoniously integrated into your pet's daily feeding.
Your choice for alphazoo quality
With our Green-lipped mussel powder for dogs and cats by alphazoo you choose a tradition that combines modern knowledge and the highest quality standards. The unique composition of the green mussel powder could enrich the daily food of your faithful companion in a special way.
Ready for alphazoo?
Take the next step and bring the vastness of New Zealand into your cat or dog’s bowl. Try this Green-lipped mussel for dogs and cats Powder from alphazoo and experience how nature and care come together in one product.
Discover the powder now and treat your four-legged friend to something special!
- Dogs up to 10 kg 0.5 g daily
- Dogs 10 to 20 kg 1 g daily
- Dogs 20 to 30 kg 1.5 g daily
- Dogs 30 to 40 kg 2 g daily
- Cats 0.5 g daily





Natürliche Ergänzung fürs Futter
Unser Grünlippmuschelpulver ergänzt das tägliche Futter auf natürliche Weise und bringt ein Stück Neuseeland zu deinem Vierbeiner.
Rein und hochwertig
Ohne Zusätze, rein aus dem Muschelfleisch gewonnen und voller wertvoller Bestandteile – für höchste Qualität.
Einfache Anwendung
Streue das Pulver einfach über das Futter. Dein Hund oder deine Katze wird es lieben!
Das sagen unsere Tierliebhaber
Alpha – was? Klar, der Name mag nach einem epischen Boss-Level klingen, aber lass Dich davon nicht auf eine falsche Fährte locken. Die geheime (altgriechische) Formel dahinter: Alpha: das Erste, Beste, Größte und Zoo: Tier, Lebewesen. Kurzum: Für uns stehen Vierbeiner an erster Stelle. Und wäre es nicht so kitschig, würden wir uns als Zentrale für tierische Lebensfreude bezeichnen (psst, das bleibt jetzt aber wirklich unter uns!).